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Cyber Captains Career Course Class 22-002


Cyber operations officers lead, plan, and direct both defensive and offensive cyberspace maneuver and effects operations in and through the cyberspace war fighting domain to ensure freedom of action. Conduct OCO by projecting power through the application of cyber capabilities in and through cyberspace to target enemy and adversary activities and capabilities. Conduct DCO by protecting data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems through detection, identification, and response actions to attacks against friendly networks. Conduct integrated and synchronized OCO and DCO with other lethal and nonlethal action to enable commanders to mass effects and gain advantages in cyberspace and across other domains, which directly or indirectly support unified land operations (ULO) objectives. Execute mission command of cyber maneuver forces during DCO and OCO missions in support of Joint and combined arms operations. Provide coordination for employment of cyber maneuver forces at all levels of joint, Army and coalition commands.

Class Structure

Student Leadership rolls

Class Leader: POC for TAC Officer/NCO/Senior Instructor/Course Manager; Leads class; Ensures personnel accountability; Assigned classroom key; tasks staff as appropriate.

PT Officer: Develop and implement PT plan. Ensure ACFT training is included. Rotate who leads PT.

S1: Pass/Leave POC; Oversees CSAR submissions; ensures Visitor Book travels with the class to each instructional location. Coordinate with course manager weekly for updated training schedules.

Social Officer/AAR Officer: Collects class funds; Organizes class graduation gift; Coordinates for graduation guest speaker and guest speaker’s gift; Organizes off-site social events; records results of Bi-Weekly AARs (reports sent to senior instructor/course manager).

S2: Provide intel for any class event- PT, TEWT, Staff Ride etc, also provide intel on LPDs, guest speakers, site visits etc.

S3: Provide operations oversight, duty rosters etc.

S4: Identify classrooms supply shortfalls.

S6: Identify classroom IT that is inoperable so CTB S6 can address. Assist classmates with IT issues as appropriate.

Class Schedule
